Gates of Heaven
Outreach Ministries
Evangelist Michelle Lee Gould is a minister of the gospel, a dynamic teacher, and a prolific writer. She writes and facilitates courses, workshops and seminars, teaching the word of God with power and authority. Currently, some of her sought after workshops include Identifying Your Spiritual Gift, The Balancing Act, Building Strong Families, Women of Many Colors, and most recently, the course, Beyond the Surface: Breakthrough to Your Next Level in God. Evangelist Gould is also the author of Arise & Shine, a 90-day devotional to help you arise and shine to the glory of God.
In addition to many other roles, such as Leading Lady of Gates of Heaven Outreach C.O.G.I.C., Evangelist Gould is also an entrepreneur. She and her husband own a successful hauling company in the Hampton Roads area. Evangelist Gould has furthered her hand in entrepreneurship by establishing an inspirational gift boutique named Silver Pearls by
Evangelist Gould. Some of the products include motivational picture quotes, framed poems, t-shirts, and more. In the secular arena, Evangelist Gould is a graduate of Norfolk State University and is employed as a teacher by a local elementary school.
Evangelist Gould resides in Portsmouth, Virginia, with her husband, Pastor Melvin Gould and their two daughters, Grace-Marie and Charity. Evangelist Gould’s untiring dedication truly reflects her passion to motivate, encourage, and teach anyone who will hear. In short, Evangelist
Michelle Gould is an anointed woman of God, who in word and deed has declared her unwavering commitment to the work of the Lord.